Jamie Foy, Red Bull SŌ LUS 2021 Entry
Watch all the Red Bull SŌLUS entries vote now: Red Bull SŌLUS is BACK and BETTER than ever Ryan Sheckler has once again opened the doors to his skatepark and invited 17 of the worlds most wellrounded skateboarders to battle it out in year two of Red Bull SŌLUS. Each skater has one hour to put together their best line at The Sandlot; no crowd, no other skaters, no distractions just an internal battle to get the best line possible. Here is Jamie s boy Foy is a thundering powerhouse in the world of street skateboarding. No rail is safe from his absolute trail of destruction. But dont be fooled, hes got a bag of tech tricks that can stand up to any of the best skate wizards out there. Jamie skates for New Balance Numeric, Deathwish, Red Bull, Spitfire, CCS, Island Water Sports, Thunder, Shake Junt, Dickies, and Bronson. Our judges, Vanessa Torres, Mike Sinclair, and Jason Rothmeyer, will evaluate each video