Recue Fragments ( Sample Pack) Demo Patterns for Polyend Tracker
Fragments is a sample pack that provides a cross section of the foundations of the Recue sound. It consists of nearly 100 one shot samples and seamlessly looping textures taken from various released and unreleased Recue tracks. Production methods vary from modular synth tweaks to layering snippets of field recordings, real percussion and household items with synthetic sounds. All sounds are sorted into categories, some are provided as single shots, some kits which you can chop and crop however you need, some loop perfectly as is. Main focus is on one shots and providing something to manipulate further (instead of full construction kits) as I wanted to make a pack I would personally want to use. Feed it to your sonic weapon of choice and see what happens. If you are a lucky user of Polyend gear, a version of this sample pack is included in upcoming firmware versions of e. g. the Polyend Tracker, including the demo patterns. Included in