How to dance the Charleston basic step Everything youve ever wanted to know
Have you wanted to know how to do the Charleston basic step Here I will teach you everything you have ever wanted to know about the Charleston dance step. Want to learn more like this Get 6 free lessons here: Or check out full membership options: Learn 6 basic versions of footwork: groove walk, kicks, swinging kicks, 20s twist, 20s glide, and afro version reverse twist Charleston. You will have short practices to music right after my explanations. And as always, youll find tips on body movement (opposition, posture arms) to not only feel good dancing it, but look good too There are so many ways to play with this classic Solo Jazz step. My online school has 300+ classes like this, with 18+ hours of material and the largest online solo dance community in the world. Please take a look, and improve your dancing today The Charleston. Where is it coming from and why is it called this way