American Horror Story So Far
Life is too short for so much sorrow You re wrong. It s an eternity Watch in HD quality (720p or 1080p) and with headphones. It really makes a Ever since I saw Spellbound s masterpiece edit with this song to Haunting of Hill House, I wanted to edit AHS with this song as well. I finally finished it, after I was pushed to do it by Stardust and I really like how it came out. There are soooo many parallels in , fanvidfeed, viddingisart, AHS, AmericanHorrorStory Feedback always appreciated Please don t dislike the video just because you don t like the ship and, or the character(s) Everybody is free to ship whoever they want with whoever they like. I respect you, your ship and your works so I expect the same from you from a vidder to another. Follow me Instag