Power Rangers VIEWER REQUESTED Comparisons ( Compilation)
Hey guys, Mia and I do all sorts of fun, creative, and unique videos on this channel, but what I keep seeing requests for in the comments is to compare things to other things, and to weigh, measure, etc. While Mia and I created this channel as artists to essentially create little fan films around the toys, I have always read my comments and posted whatever viewers were asking for. The things people keep asking for, suggesting, or even complaining we dont do but should, are all here on the channel going back nearly two decades. Hundreds of videos contain all of the things I keep seeing requests for, and those are the very videos I cant get anyone to click on, or watch more than a minute of. What to do I grabbed a handful of videos and made a compilation video of just some of the comparisons. These videos have been cut down and only represent a small percent of what is on this channel. If this is the type of content you like from us, please consider checking out more of those videos. People vote with their v