BESTIAL RITUAL An allegiance of night and storms The moon lights the path through the trees A totem hidden in an uncharted land Concealed and buried by time Uncover the secrets of old Hieroglyphs and symbols are followed A mass graveyard and tombs lie below The ritualistic sacrifice must commence A totem hidden in an uncharted land Concealed and buried by time The great redeemer will grant us safe passage Not in this life but the next Immolate and become one With the night and the burning stars Maidens in white, purity in a haze of purple smoke Ritual dance continues long into night Bodies inside bodies, give praise to the flame and the burning stars Take the form of the ancestral beast Speak tongues long since forgotten The knife cuts animal flesh A pyre reaching up to black sky Taken from the album Written in Blood from the Blade. A CHAOTIC, MYSTICAL, AND VENOMOUS BLACK METAL BARRAGE UKbased br, br,