Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 Soundtrack
Music by Frank Klepacki. Extracted from the game at 22050Hz, 16bit stereo. Tracks: 00:00 Grinder 02:27 Power 06:23 Fortification 10:26 In Deep 13:50 Tension 17:55 Eagle Hunter 22:12 Industro Funk 25:24 200 Meters 29:37 Blow It Up 32:48 Destroy 37:26 Burn 42:04 Motorized 46:06 Hell March 2 49:50 Jank 53:36 Militant Force 2 54:46 Credits 57:41 Brain Freeze 1:01:42 Drok 1:04:17 Deceiver 1:08:10 Phat Attack 1:12:06 Bully Kit 1:16:20 Defend the Base 1:20:45 Tactics 1:25:43 Trance L. Vania 1:29:11 Yuri s Revenge Score Screen 1:31:01 Yuri s Revenge Credits