Lost in Translation (2, 10) Movie CLIP Lip My Stockings (2003) HD
Lost in Translation movie clips: j. mp, 1uvjeAh BUY THE MOVIE: Don t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: CLIP DESCRIPTION: Bob (Bill Murray) has an awkward encounter with a Premium Fantasy girl sent to entertain him. FILM DESCRIPTION: After making a striking directorial debut with her screen adaptation of The Virgin Suicides, Sofia Coppola offers a story of love and friendship blooming under unlikely circumstances in this comedy drama. Bob Harris (Bill Murray) is a wellknown American actor whose career has gone into a tailspin; needing work, he takes a very large fee to appear in a commercial for Japanese whiskey to be shot in Tokyo. Feeling no small degree of culture shock in Japan, Bob spends most of his nonworking hours at his hotel, where he meets Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) at the bar. Twentysomething Charlotte is married to John (Giovanni Ribisi), a successful photographer who is in Tokyo on an assignment, leaving