Little Women (1980) Anime Special
This is a 60minute Englishdubbed Japanese animated TV special based on Louisa May Alcott s novel, Little It spawned a 26episode animated series in 1981, the first three episodes of which have already been uploaded to this channel. The incidents from those episodes, Christmas Eve, Angels in Boots, and Jo s Boyfriend, are featured in this special, which also goes into Jo and Lawrie s friendship and the growing relationship between Meg and Mr. Brooks. There s a scene where Beth plays Mr. Lawrence s piano like a true virtuoso. Another scene involves the rescue of a boy who turns out to be a runaway slave. Major crises occur late in the hour, when the girls mother has to go to Washington D. C. to tend their father who s been wounded in the Civil War. Soon after, Beth gets seriously According to some sources, the original Japanese version was 68 minutes. The director of this special is Yugo Serikawa, a pioneering anime director who made some of Japan s earliest animated features.