I turned my harp into a video game controller
Actual game clip starts at 2:07 Luckily, I was able to record this take during my first recorded attempt, but before this, I probably had about 78 unrecorded practice runs ranging from 1020 minutes, only two of which I actually completed the tutorial level. As with all FromSoftware games, it was both a fun and frustrating experience, although in this case perhaps a bit more of the latter, so I don t really have any plans to continue playing this particular game this way. I can t help but wonder what it would be like with a more rhythmic game though. Do I hate myself enough to try it with Anyway, I hope this was interesting or, at the very least, entertaining to some people. Praise the sun Game: Dark Souls (tutorial) Equipment: Dusty strings harp pickup, Komplete Audio 6, Bitwig Studio, MiGiC, Bome Midi Translator ThioJoeTech s video: