Borboleta, Ny NORSK, Carte Blanche
NyNORSK consists of new works by a new generation of Nordic choreographers in a triple bill that promises to be a triple treat of provocative propositions, exhilarating movement and outstanding dancing. Cast Borboleta: Jonas Örknér, Yaniv Cohen, Shlomi Ruimi, James Finnemore, Camilla Cohen, Mai Lisa Guinoo, Nuria Guiu Sagarra, Jennifer Dubrehuil Houthemann, Guro Rimeslåtten NyNORSK en treenighet av provoserende ideer, spreke bevegelser og fremragende, presis og kraftfull dans Dansere: Jonas Örknér, Yaniv Cohen, Shlomi Ruimi, James Finnemore, Camilla Cohen, Mai Lisa Guinoo, Nuria Guiu Sagarra, Jennifer Dubrehuil Houthemann, Guro Rimeslåtten Borboleta Koreografi, Choreographer: Kristin Hjort Inao Yoshifumi Inao Fallen Behind Me Koreografi, Choreographer: Christopher Arouni Horisontale plan Koreografi, Choreographer: Heine Røsdal