Wonderband Vajrasattva Mantra (100 Syllable)
OM BENZA SATO SAMAYA MANU PALAYA BENZA SATO TENOPA TISHTA DRI DO ME BHAWA SUTO KAYO ME BHAWA SUPO KAYO ME BHAWA ANU RAKTO ME BHAWA SARVA SIDDHI MEMTRA YATSA SARVA KARMA SUTSA ME CITTAM SHRI YAH KURU HUNG HA HA HA HA HOH BHAGAVAN SARVA TATHAGATA BENZA MĀ ME MUNTSA BENZI BHAWA MAHA SAMAYA SATO AH O Dorje Sempa, protect the Samaya Reveal yourself as the Dorje Sempa May you remain firm in me Grant me complete satisfaction Grow within me (increase the positive within me) Be loving towards me Grant me all the siddhis Show me all the karmas (activities) Make my mind good, virtuous and auspicious (The heart essence, seed syllable of Vajrasattva) (Symbolises the four immeasurables, the fourempowerments, the four joys, and the four kayas) (The exclamation of joy at this accomplishment) O blessed one, who embodies all the Tathagatas with Diamond Mind Do not abandon me Grant me the realization of the Vajra Nature O great Samaya sattva Make me one with MUSIC: Wonderband Vajrasattva Mantra