How to play Walk With Me In Hell by Lamb Of God Guitar Solo Lesson w, tabs
Hi guys Welcome episode 29 (redo) of Learn That Solo Today well look at the bluesy and evilly win solo from Walk With Me In Hell by Lamb Of God. Tuning: D A D G B E (Drop D) I loved the Sacrement album. It really help me in my late teens and early 20s to deal with excess amounts of testosterone. Not to mention, it built up my riff chops something fierce. Mark uses a lot of pentatonic combined with the Harmonic Minor, Dominant Phrygian scales. Nothing in the solo is to shreddy or ridiculous. Keep at it and it will sound win with time SUPPORT ME ON PATREON : PS: Leave a comment, subscribe and like me on Facebook at You can also follow me on Twitter Chris Zoupa: czoupashredguy CHECK OUT CHRIS SOLO PROJECT SEVENTH DAN COUNTERFORCE SKYPE LESSONS WITH CH