Never Share This Emotion With A Woman ( Why Nice Guys Finish Last)
Nice guys will always finish because this emotion will NEVER attract women. Date HighQuality Women: Quit Porn Today: Sharing emotions in a relationship is very important. But sharing the wrong emotions at the wrong time will lead to rejection, thus, you will lose your opportunity to attract and date her. So what emotions should you never share or show a woman In this video, you re gonna know the dos and don ts of sharing emotions in relationships so you don t get rejected. This nice guy vs alpha male difference really matters so you can attract the woman of your dreams. In the study by Jessica L Tracy and Alec T Beale at the University of British Columbia they said a happy and nice guy finishes last. Happiness is actually a feminine trait that is used for bonding and connecting, so women found it least attractive. Never be that nice guy again, or you will finish last. Alpha males can easily attract the