Canoeing In Southern Bohemia Race To Prague AKA Canoe Race (1949)
Budejovice, Southern Bohemia, Czech Republic CANOEING IN SOUTHERN BOHEMIA RACE TO PRAGUE paddled by two men, setting out down the Vltava River MS. Another canoe setting out. LS Canoes racing along stretch of river. MS. Canoe paddling along. MS. Canoes shooting rapids. (4 shots). LS Elevated canoes going along. MS. Capsized canoe. MS. Paddlers falling out of canoe while shooting rapids. LS. Canoe clearing rapids. shooting rapids. MS. Capsized canoe in rapids, with colours struggling to hang on to it. MS. Canoes clearing rapids safely. (2 shots). LS Canoes racing along calm stretch of river. LS. Two canoes racing side by side. MS. Canoe being paddled along. arriving at urban stretch of river. MS. Canoe being paddled furiously. MS. Spectators on bank applauding. MS. The winning couple standing in canoe. LS to MS. Matlocha, Winner of the oneman kayak race. LS. Brzak and Kudrna, Winners of the 2men kayak section paddling furiously. MS. Crowd on bank applauding. SCU The winners