Erensyrah Her Ghost is a Skygazer (full album, 2022)
Second chapter of Erensyrahs ghost trilogy of atmospheric, ambient black metal. I featured part one; Odes to the ghost earlier this year, and this second part is just as powerful if not moreso. A reflecting pool of shimmering contemplative synth driven songs punctuated by furious percussion and fullthroated screams. Illustrated by perfectly melancholic cover art from the everawesome Thaumaturge Artworks. Tape edition released in November in a limited run of 50 whiteshell tapes, by Realm and Ritual CD edition released by Adirondack Black Mass on 1st December: Digital, and some cassette bundles of both albums are available from Erensyrah direct: Band: Erensyrah Album: Her Ghost is a Skygazer Year: 2022 Label: Realm and Ritual