justin sexy bieber, FIRE. 2, Collab
YEAH FINALLY ;o (deadline was on 24th october in 2010) XxSelDemiLoverxX here. i m, we re so sorry that it took so long (4 months) but now here is our amazing collab :) i hope everyone of you like it; ) we had very troubles with this collab, : we had uhm, 2 fillins for this collab or 3 or FORGET it :D well, everyone of us did an amazing job on our parts, right . some of the parts are a bit older, just for you to know. some of them 4 months ago. . parts in order; xcreepymuffinx xMaddiex2x xBieberJustinx (fillin for schokokexxD, she left youtube but now shes back) CherryyyX xLovee33 DEBBYRYANFOREVER1993 xxWildBubbles ChelseaBabehh74 xxcutexmuffinxx (fillin for HazalSelena, she left us) jumavipe (fillin for mileyxqueen) likeRAWRxx melannaxo (fillin for tweetyrox101) xoxoMission schokokexxD (fillin for demisonny, she left us) TSLFreak122 EveryTimeWeGo (she left youtube) XxSelDemiLoverxX okay so we had br, br,