Altay 23, Mountain Surfing
This is truly a great region with rich, albeit fictitious, stories. Mountains, rivers, waterfalls, thats what we lack in the concrete jungle. The Turquoise Katun is a truly majestic river with its dangerous rapids and watercourses. You can look at this forever. But all the beauty of Altay can only be seen in autumn. GoPro 10 Set Filter : ND16, CPL Shutter Speed : Auto Frame Rate : 4k, 24 ISO : 100 400 White Balance : 5500k Hyper Smooth : Standart Lens : SuperView Color : Natural Sharpness : Low Bit Rate : High GyroFlow: Horizontal level, Hyper Smooth 4 sec, Apple Proxy I will be grateful for any support Donatinalerts: THANKS TikTok: Instagram: This Video: , mountains, travel, fpv, fly, road, river, altay, jump, whaterfall, gopro, fall, MountainSurfing, Divingthemountain, hiking, boating