The Survivor Nonsense Timing Video Arkham Horror LCG Rules Roundup
Are you baffled by all of the timing interactions in Arkham Horror the Card Game After you succeed this, when you would fail that Maybe you just ignore all of that and play how you like. But then you start playing a Survivor Investigator and discover all kinds of fun cards that you might be able to play, if only you knew how they all worked Well look no further Let s dive into all of that Survivor Nonsense, I mean, Art. 00:00 Intro 03:30 Four Principles to Follow with Timing 09:23 What does Granny Orne do 10:50 How much can I cheese Take Heart 12:38 When can I return cards from the discard pile 14:36 What cards work with Silas Marsh 16:52 What should I know about Lucky 18:05 What action am I on with Quick Learner 19:30 Stella Clark gets 8 clues 22:36 Outro