Fear and Loathing a Snowfall PMV
This took 6 months worth of works and it s DONE I m so happy that I finished it I may or may not of been planning on using this song for a Snowfall PMV even before the book came out, and I was pleasantly surprised that it actually fit I have my criticism of The Dangerous Gift and how it handled, well, pretty much everything, but I LOVE Snowfall. I love her growth to a more empathic dragon (even if it could of been handled better), her anxiety about being queen, her btchy attitude, all of it She s my favorite of the arc 3 protagonists because her change in character drove the story more than the other threes. So naturally I wanted to do a PMV about her Here I focused on her becoming more trustful, overcoming her anxieties about queen, and her mother s decision to chose her which how The Gift of Vision fit in to all of this. She gradually realizes that many of her fears are irrational and overcomes them and that allows her to be a better monarch, it ending with closure over Glacier s death and Opal p