Spider Man: Lotus ( Fan Film)
This is a nonprofit, featurelength film unaffiliated with Marvel, Sony, or Disney created by fans of the character. Following the tragic death of his former girlfriend seemingly caused by his own attempt to save her Peter Parker (Warden Wayne) lingers in his guilt of the past, questioning whether the curse of his alter ego should be buried for good. When he s met by the news that a terminally ill child has requested to meet SpiderMan, Peter contemplates the decision to comfort him in his final days. Based on SPIDERMAN: BLUE and THE KID WHO COLLECTS SPIDERMAN. Inspired by WEBSPINNERS: TALES OF SPIDERMAN, PETER PARKER: SPIDERMAN, THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDERMAN, and more runs from the character s history. Get Grow Till Tall by Jónsi and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: Amd2z9OKdEJ Exit Music (For A Film) Radiohead (Cover) by Vektormusic: FOR BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT AND MORE ON THE CREATORS BEHIND THE INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: