Ark: Crystal Isles Elven Town Speed Build, EP 1
This is an ARK: Survival Evolved speed build video and in this ark video i build part 1 of my elven style medieval town build. In this video i start build a castle wall around the village to protect it from attack, i also start building some of the town houses and part of the small pier surounding the lake and enclosing the waterfall. This video doesn t show everything and is only part 1 of a few of this build, multiple parts will be released to showcase the building of the whole thing. I also change things as i go along so if you are trying to follow this build then keep that in mind. I like to experiment with the build intil i get the desired aesthetic. This build has medieval and viking themes and takes alot of inspiration from The Lord Of The Rings and Skyrims elves. The paint scheme is white for the body of the houses and forest green for the roofs. , arksurvivalevolved, arkbuild, arkcrystalisles My ark build playlists; Castle Builds