Myths BUSTED Brave German Journalist EXPOSES Ukraine, NATO War Lies
Dr. Gabrielle KroneSchmalz, a German intellectual and former journalist, recently gave a highly informative talk at the 37. Pleisweiler Gespräch. Dr. KroneSchmalz used to work as a Moscowcorrespondent for Germanys largest public broadcaster, ARD, and was also a Professor for Media Science and has emerged as one of the fiercest critics of Germanys foolish policies visavis Russia. She is one of the people who can and does publicly lecture on the true origins of the ongoing warfare in Europe, and she is proof that, yes, some Europeans really do know what is going on and how reckless the current political and media elite are. Im able to show you this in English translations thanks to the Open Access Publication of the original video, curtesy of Nachdenkseiten Germanys most important independent media portal. Please consider supporting them. Original Video in German here: Please consider supporting the Nachdenkseiten (