Bridge OS 2. 0 Features Demo Cutdown Livestream
If you missed out on our livestream and don t have an hour, check out this cutdown version where we cover all the major updates and demo them on camera for you We also have a sneaky easter egg tease that s covered at the end of the video 0:00 Intro 0:28 Update Info 1:02 Release Notes 1:11 Easter Egg Tease 1:56 Feature Requests List 2:25 External Control 3:53 Keyboard Messages 6:09 Bank Index 7:35 0 or 1 Indexing 8:02 Invert Bank Name 8:50 Preserve States by Mode 9:48 Jump to Last Bank 10:22 0100 LED Brightness 11:06 Hold to Scroll Banks 11:39 Expression Ladder Messages 13:34 Sequential Switch Groups 15:09 Device Link Updates 15:27 Easter Egg