English Subtitles: World Harmony Run 25th Anniversary: Toward 2022 and a Oneness World
English Subtitles: World Harmony Run 25th Anniversary:Toward 2022 and a OnenessWorldVideo Message from Davidson Hepburn, President of the General Conference of UNESCO (2009 2011). I believe that all global citizens are eagerly looking toward the next decade 2022 and beyond as a time of great progress and striking change. It is imperative that we work together to build a true OnenessWorld. Among recent initiatives to strive toward this goal, the World Harmony Run is one of the most remarkable and farreaching. It was launched by Sri Chinmoy in 1987 and even after his passing in 2007, continues to grow, advancing important ideals of UNESCO and of the entire United Nations community. For my part, I would like to highlight a few specific activities that the World Harmony Run has already undertaken or inspired. It is my hope that these activities can be further expanded and enriched in the coming decade. 1. Visit World Heritage Sites: 2. Perform Music: 3. Create or Displ