Corruption in the UK, open Democracy Live with Oliver Bullough, Prem Sikka and Susan Hawley
Thanks to Owen Paterson, British politicians are at last starting to use the Cword. Its not just a Westminster bubble story, though: our panel have spent years tracking lobbyists and other professional enablers of corruption and tax avoidance. Join this free live discussion to find out where we can go from here to force transparency and accountability on our selfserving elite. Susan Hawley: Executive director of Spotlight on Corruption Oliver Bullough: Journalist and the author of Moneyland: Why Thieves and Crooks Now Rule the World and How to Take It Back Prem Sikka: Member of the House of Lords; Emeritus Professor of Accounting at Essex Business School, University of Essex, and at Sheffield University Management School Chair, Peter Geoghegan: Editorinchief, openDemocracy Follow us: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: See our latest stories: Support our work: Subscribe to our channel: