The Persistence Enhanced, Official Reveal Trailer, 4th June 2021, PEGI
Fight to save a doomed deep space colony starship infested with murderous clone printed mutations of the former crew. Gather resources, upgrade your abilities and unlock an arsenal of weaponry on each run as you repeatedly head deeper and deeper into the The Persistence to repair the systems and prevent the ship from being torn apart by a black hole. The Persistence Enhanced edition brings improved lighting and particle effects and the addition of Dynamic 4k Performance and Raytracing Quality modes for XBOX Series X and PlayStation5, which also includes immersive haptic feedback via DualSense. DXR implementation is enabled for PC s with a supported graphics card. The Enhanced Edition is available as standalone paid digital download and as a free upgrade for existing owners of The Persistence on PlayStation4, XBOX, XBOX One X and Steam platforms. The Persistence Enhanced launches June 4th on Steam, XBOX Series S, X and PlayStation5. Follow us for more: Twitter