A Concise Video History of Teens Climbing Through Each Others Windows
In the trailer for Paper Townsthe movie based on a John Green novel that is set to be released on FridayCara Delevingnes character performs a teen movie rite of passage: She climbs through another teenagers window. Its easy to see why the climbingthroughwindow trope is an appealing one for filmmakers: Its a convenient set piece that allows characters to bypass nosy parents and jump straight into a scene. So over the years, teen movies have given us hundreds of notable window entrances. Sometimes its your close friend; other times its your boyfriend who may or may not also be trying to murder you; and other times its that werewolf kid who insists on making your vampire boyfriendwho also loves to climb in through your window to watch you sleepuncomfortable. The point is, its always cool. Especially when it s done to the tune of the right 90s song.