Bet You Didnt Know Video 2 humor family entertainment
Hosted and Narrated by: Brenda Lovett This is my second video in an neverendingseries. This is a video filled with humor. It is full of tips, facts and tidbits that I am betting you didn t know. We aim to give you and your family top entertainment and hopefully value for your lives. This video covers 15 different facts and just funny stuff. It covers Walmart Employment, Trying to die to get out of paying your bills, the animals, snails, and squirrels, McDonalds and their flavorful attempt at healthier eating, blood, living forever, Speeding, Bless You, Dogs, Hershey Kisses, Wine, OverSleepers, Plastic Bottle Tabs, and Neptune. If you would like to see any other in the series go to my channel: