First Man Behind The Scenes
Shooting for the Moon Take an intimate look at the production of First Man and the collaborative relationship between Director Damien Chazelle and Ryan Gosling. Preparing to Launch It s difficult to believe that First Man is the first major feature film to tell the journey to Apollo 11. Giant Leap in One Small Step A heroic character study, First Man sheds light on all the hard working individuals that got us to the moon and back. Mission Gone Wrong Watch as Ryan Gosling reenacts a test piloting sequence gone terribly wrong. Putting You In the Seat Through the use of innovative technology, most of First Man was shot incamera. Recreating the Moon Landing Filmed in IMAX to show the vastness of the moon, find out all that it took to recreate the most famous moment in NASA history. Shooting at NASA Hear from Ryan Gosling and Director Damien Chazelle on how shooting at NASA. Astronaut Training Go behind the scenes of the three day boot camp.