Susie Mimi Project Blue Book Read Description
Does this look gay to you guys or do I need to get my eyes checked PS. don t be a smartarse and tell me to get my eyes checked Show: Project Blue Book Characters: Susie, Mimi I really don t know where they re going with this but hell, if anyone looked at me like that, I d probably suffer from a pulmonary embolism right there and then The show is about aliens but not like The X Files. More like hey they re aliens but we the military, are not gonna tell you they re aliens and let you all go crazy so we can kidnap you when no one is looking and test our new drugs on you. I don t even know if the characters Susie and Mimi are gonna go gay or go gayly friends, but these scenes kinda make you wonder no Apologies in advance if nothing comes out off this This clip is not mine and belongs to the respected owners. It is used solely for entertainment purposes. Should the owner of the content want it removed from the channel, kindly email me