P 47 P 38 Fighter Escort Launch The Thunderbolts: Ramrod To Emden (1943)
Click to subscribe I cut the launch sequence from The Thunderbolts Ramrod To Emden and left in the combat footage just because of some of the dramatic film the Combat Photographers took. The missing part is just the combat briefing before they leave. I pick it up at the venerable Jeep. I thought it was pretty interesting to see the fighters assemble both on the ground and in the air. Complete Film War Department. Army Air Forces. (06, 20, 1941 09, 26, 1947) ARC Identifier 2873, Local Identifier 18C409. On an escort ( ramrod ) of bombers to Emden, Germany, by P47 s of the 8th Air Force. Shows planning of the mission. Planes are prepared and pilots are briefed. Combat scenes show fighters downing German planes. Emden is bombed and the planes return to England. Pilots report on the mission to intelligence officers. The most viewed aviation channel on YouTube , AIRBOYD, Av