Brooks Hyperion Elite, Performance Enhancing Shoes
, brookshyperionelite, performanceenhancingshoes Are the soontobereleased Brooks Hyperion Elite a performance enhancing shoe like the Nike Zoom Alphafly, Vaporlfy or Next That is hard to determine at this early stage in the game. That being said, this video is my take on performance enhancing shoes. I ran for the marathon in a pair of Adidas RC Adizero s, hardly what you would call a marathon shoe or anything remotely as advanced as the Brooks Hyperion shoe. The goal with this video is to answer a question one of my visitors asked me: What do you think of performance enhancing shoes I believe in good ole fashioned smart, hard work over technology. There is no guarantee any shoe will help you over any distance if you are unprepared. If 90 of your weekly volume is spent running 2 minutes slower than your goal race pace good luck achieving your race goals regardless what shoe is on your feet. I hope this video will give you some insight of what a sub 2. 20 marathoner thinks of the Brooks Hyperi