Russia and China Devastated Today: Crazy Natural Disasters Leave Super Powers in Ruins
Natural Disasters Tear Through Super Powers: Hurricane and Floods Hit Russia and China. Russia and China, two global superpowers, are devastated by natural disasters Hurricane Edgar unleashes its fury on Moscow, while recordbreaking floods wreak havoc in Guilin. Watch dramatic footage of destroyed infrastructure, overturned cars, and heroic rescue efforts. Stay informed on the latest news and recovery updates. Don t miss this shocking glimpse into the power of nature ,hurricane , floods , naturaldisaster, chinesecity, russia In this video, we ve gathered video clips in a few different ways. We obtained proper permissions for some, sourced others from the internet, and hold licenses for a portion of the footage. Some of the content is used under fair use for commentary, criticism, and education, and all rights remain with the original copyright holders. If you hold legal rights to any of the content and wish to have