NEW ZEALANDER Living in MOSCOW Compares RUSSIA with AMERICA and his Own Country
Ask a New Zealander and the EXPAT American questions live in real time comparing Russia, America and New Zealand. Click NOTIFY and prepare your questions now What is New Zealnd, Russia and America really like Which country has the most freedom and the most safety Contact our guest Preston on Telegram here: t. me, Preston17 To Support the show with Rubles: , russia, moving , expat, american, lifeinrussia, immigration, russianvlog, россия, russian, travel, moscow, kiwi, newzealand, pharmacy, tutor Now follow EXPAT American on Instagram: Now YOU Can buy me a coffee: Пожертвуйте Свете и Джозефу: Карта Сбербанка 5469 3800 5161 1084 Our New Telegram channel: t. me, EXPATAmericanChannel Where do Joe and Sveta go to church Their Church locator: Immigration inquiries email: For Russian or English on line Lessons. Email: Show ideas and sponsorship email: Our VK page: Our Patreon: