Pathe Probes That Ghost (1957)
Wilbarston. GV. Exterior of Pilgrim s Cottage in a village of Wilbarston allegedly haunted by ghosts. SV. Front door of cottage. It opens and Mrs Mabel Cullen and Mr John D. Ashplant, Methodist Vicar from Corby, walk out. CU. Knocker on the door. SV. Medium, Michael Ahearne and Mrs Cullen in the cellar of the cottage watching digging operations in progress, both of them are holding candles. SV. Man digging by aid of candle light. SV. Medium, Mrs Cullen watching. CU. Hand on knocker. LV. Bill Symon, Pathe reporter, knocking on door (natural sound). SV. Door opens and Mrs Cullen comes out to be interviewed. SV. Bill Symon interviewing Mrs Cullen. CU. Mrs Cullen speaking. She talks about seeing ghost in her home, she describes the ghost as man dressed in black who appeared in her bedroom. SV. Interior, tracking shot, into the bedroom in which Mrs Cullen saw the ghost. SV. Mrs Cullen sitting on the bed. GV. Exterior of the village church and church yard. LV. Line of tomb stones. SV. Mrs Cullen, Bill