Time To Remember Sense Of Values 1937 Reel 4 (1937)
Pathe have rights to clips in Time to Remember programmes but not to commentary or whole programme as screened. Reel 4. 01:47:32 VS League of Nations meeting (Anthony Eden is there). VS of Japanese troops fighting and marching in China during SinoJapanese war. Japanese flag raised over building. Japanese troops cheer Banzai. 01:48:32 Royal Coach leaves Buckingham Palace start of Coronation parade for King George VI. Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) is with the King. Massive crowds watch. 01:49:20 Japanese hold ceremony after taking Hankow. Their National Anthem is played. They salute and bow in the direction of Mikado s palace. 01:49:58 Ext. Westminster Abbey. VS of Coronation Ceremony. 01:50:28 Decorated German train pulls into station. Adolf Hitler is acclaimed by large crowds. Hermann Goering is with him. Goering makes speech to welcome the Fuhrer back from Italy. Massive torch light parade through streets of Berlin. Massive firework display. Hitler appears on balcony and is c