Allday Void ( Official Video)
Preorder the album and buy tickets to the Australian tour: DRINKING WITH MY SMOKING FRIENDS OUT MAY 28TH Prod and mixed by Scott Horscroft The Grove Studios Mastered by Greg Calbi DIRECTOR PRODUCER Hiball hiball TALENT: Nic Trifiletti Allday alldaychubbyboy DOP Jesse GohierFleet jessegohierfleet 1ST ASSISTANT CAMERA Lachlan Wright lachlanwright STEADICAM Glenn Clayton binboy1987 GAFFER James Thompson jamesthompsonlx BEST BOY Akash Vijayakumar PRODUCTION DESIGNER Isabella Connelley isabellaconnelley STYLIST Vy Nguyen ynvynyty STYLING ASSISTANT Amelia Carlisle itsmyroommates HMUA Zoe Jane Crawford zoejanemakeup RUNNERS: George Willmott Trent Crawford gwillmotte intent COLOURIST Abe Wynen at Crayon abewynen wearecrayon LOCATION: DClub247 Fitness twitter alldaychubbyboy instagram alldaychubbyboy tiktok alldaychubbyboy2 snapchat alldaychubbyboy