Ralphie B Clara Yates Live Like Legends ( Official Music Video)
Ralphie B Clara Yates Live Like Legends It started as a bootleg of Ruelle s legendary Out now Get your copy or stream now: This video is brought to you by the Ralphie B Official Youtube Channel. Don t forget to subscribe and be the first to know about new releases and previews. Ralphie B aka Ralph Barendse is a dutch trance producer. He is responsible for many trance classics such as Ralphie B Massive, Midway Monkey Forest, Ralphie B Icarus, Midway Amazon, Alpha Breed Epic Future, First State Falling, First State Evergreen, First State Sierra Nevada and many more. Aliases: Ralphie B Alpha Breed Midway First State (till 2010) Suncrusaders For more information: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Discogs: