This album is of a fantastic concert recorded in Puerto Rico with an all star cast: Tito Allen, Luigi texidor, Adalberto Santiago, Elias Lopez and Endel Dueño. First of all, it s a 2 disc set, so that means you get a good amount of music and second, it also includes a DVD. On to the music. This album includes smash hits from la Sonora Poncena Boranda (one of those rare occasions that it seems better than the original recording), Boranda and Naci Moreno all sung by Texidor. Tito Allen interprets the classic Indestrcutible and Adalberto Santiago goes all out with Seguire Sin Sonar, Mañoño from his Tipica 73 days, and a Medley: Dinamita, Ay Caray, Quitate la Mascara. You also get Trucutu and couple of others. I would like to highlight an amazing rendition of Rey del Timbal where Endel Dueño just lights up the concert in a mind boggling fashion with his timbal smacking abilities. I was real