What ALL Mora Companion Knives are Missing
Hello Friends In this video I create and leather sheath for the Mora Companion a popular workhorse knife. I hope you enjoy this video Please consider leaving a Like, Comment Subscribe for more MORA COMPANION SHEATH GIVEAWAY (guidelines) 1ST GIVEAWAY LOYALTY You dont have to do anything This giveaway is for those who have been apart of the Freak of Nature Co. community and engaging wth us on a regular. Those of you who fit that description will be entered into a draw. 2ND GIVEAWAY 10K SUBSCRIBER To be entered to WIN a handcrafted Mora Companion knife sheath Step 1: watch the video Step 2: Give this video a Like Step 3: Leave this video a comment containing a Emoji Thats it WINNERS The lucky Winners will be able to pick a custom handcrafted Mora Companion knife sheath of their choosing (From those sheaths available a