Pol Granch De Colegio ( Live), Vevo DSCVR
Pol Granch De Colegio (Live). An exclusive performance for Vevo DSCVR, the channel for the best in new music. Pop music often rewards artists who address its blank canvas by using every tool at their disposal. Big payoffs look a lot like Pol Granch, whose greatest strength is versatility. His music ruptures the mutual exclusion of adjectives like melancholy and sunny, unconventional and familiar, style and substance, heck, even French and Spanish. All the above snuggled together like puzzle pieces on last year s Tengo Que Calmarme, the selftaught musicians debut album. Granch has likened Calmarme to a search for musical maturity. And he s right: here are 13 catchy altleaning pop tracks that experiment wisely and reap rewards. More recently, he takes a big chance on De Colegio by trading a sparkling dance backbeat for a menacing moment in the bridge. Hes also taking chances as an actor this year, and was recently cast as a lead on Netflixs popular show Elite. Follow his current