Hollywood Insiders: Full Disclosure
A fulllength documentary that takes a deep, analytical look at Illuminati and freemasonic symbolism in numerous movies. Examining each movie s use of allseeing eyes, pyramids, suns, and serpents; then reviewing more covert satanic symbolism rooted in Egyptian, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Full Disclosure contains only partly new material. Much of it was a compilation of my previous documentaries Fallen Angels and Revelations. The new material can, for the most part, be found at the end of the documentary. I felt that the Men in Black segment of Full Disclosure was a bit out of place, but it was necessary to bridge the gap to the subject of vampires, which was Full Disclosure s final goal. And since its release, I have only one significant correction to make: AlJasassah, which is Chewbaccas real name means spy, not assasin ( although, I have heard assassin as a translation more than once, still it deserves correction ). Эксклюзивные авторские материалы доступны на Бусти: