Mahatma Gandhi Benito Mussolini, MFL PSN
In late 1931, Gandhi accepted an invitation to visit Mussolini in Rome while the Mahatma was touring Europe. The two men the Italian Fascist and the modest Indian ascetic got along extremely well and admired each other. Among other things, Gandhi reviewed a blackshirted Fascist youth honor guard during his visit. Mussolini hailed Gandhi as a genius and a saint, admiring. .. Gandhi s ability to challenge the British Empire. Regarding his visit with Il Duce, Gandhi wrote in a letter to a friend: Mussolini is a riddle to me. Many of his reforms attract me. He seems to have done much for the peasant class. I admit an iron hand is there. But as violence is the basis of Western society, Mussolini s reforms deserve an impartial study. Gandhi s further stated: Mussolini s care of the poor, his opposition to superurbanization, his efforts to bring about coordination between capital and labor, seem to me to demand special attention. .. My own fundamental objection is that these reforms are compulsory.