Ra Ra Mega light
Peter got the Megalight originally to shoot cars, motor bikes and furniture but now used it for fashion and dance. Model: RaRa Instagram: For more behind the scenes of photoshoots, plus over 350 other tutorials covering everything from lighting to retouching, visit: Worldwide Photography Workshops: Lighting: Broncolor Megalight Camera model: Hasselblad H6D50c Lens used: 100mm f2. 2 Shutterspeed: 1, 160 Aperture: f, 8 Iso: 100 Filmed on: Sony A7c with Zeiss Batis 18mm on a DJI RoninCS Gimbal Sony A7siii with Sony G Master 16mm35mm Sony RX vii Peter s camera stand: The brand of stand he uses has been discontinued, but this is very similar Peters Ball Head: