Two Is Better ( Eleven, Amy; Doctor Who) Dedicated to keirami21 and gigo518
Watch in HD So I am sick, just god awful sick and I wanted to do something to make myself feel better and this something would happen to be make an epic Eleven, Amy video. This whole video, in case someone is interested, was completely inspired by the last clip. I just love the shot of them walking and the Doctor just giving Amy that little playful shove, so cute Seriously, you guys, I have not made a video this long in probably a year and having made this makes me seriously, ridiculously proud. Plus, I love this song and it works so well for Eleven and Amy, I mean like every line is just perfect. I just couldn t bring myself to cut this This is also dedicated to my 900 subscribers. Most specifically keirami21 and gigo518, who leaves the greatest comments EVER Keira, girlie, you know how I love you and I just love talking to you and I hope you find some inspiration to make more Eleven, Amy vids cause you just ma br, br,