Something we all did together
Today, we put GISH to bed for now. I dont yet know if I will ever run another Hunt or exactly whats to come, but I already have some ideas I do know this much: this weird family we built isnt done by a long shot. Im proud to know you all cant wait to see what we do together next. Thank you all. I also want to thank the people who brought GISH to life: Philip, Charlie, Chris, Tracy, Monica, Katy, Riley, Kristin, Michelle, Chip, Felicia Day, Rachel Miner, with Giles Duley Legacy of War Foundation, my mom, Dave L. , Olivia, CJ, Lauren, Taylor, Olivia, Laura, Berto, Tenysa, Tyler, Vivek, and Philippe. And special thanks to our multitude of guests Item creators over the years, and to Taylor H. , Monica, Ant G for burning the midnight oil to create this beautiful tribute to all that Gishers accomplished. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all.