2 ingredient Sweet Potato Flatbread ( Roti) recipe, Oil free + Yeast free Recipe, Vegan Recipe
Veganlovlie Recipes, Yeastfree flatbread recipe: In one of my What I Ate Wednesday videos, I presented this oilfree sweet potato flatbread or roti filled with mashed avocados as what I ate for breakfast on that day I have had quite a few requests for the recipe since then. So, I thought I d share the recipe; it is such an easy one with just two ingredients. Who doesn t like a 2ingredient recipe One important procedure in this recipe is to use the sweet potato while it is hot. The heat makes a much softer roti. By the way, white sweet potatoes would also work well in this recipe although the dough may require a tablespoon of water added in as white sweet potatoes tend to be a little drier than the orange ones. These sweet potato flatbreads or rotis also keep well in an airtight container for the next day. Or you can also freeze them. When ready to use, just reheating them on a tawa or skillet and they will come back to the