Winston 75 Years Young (1949)
Full title reads: Winston 75 years young. London. SV Winston and Clementine Churchill leaving their home at Hyde Park Gate and being surrounded by reporters and newsreel men. CU Mr and Mrs. Churchill smiling. Churchill speaks into mike: Thank you very much for all your CU Churchill smiling to press photographers. CU Group of press photographers pan to CU Churchill taking off hat and smiling. He walks to car. GV Churchill getting into car. SV Churchill into car, SV Pan Churchill s car driving away. Angle shot 2 painters waving from top of ladder. Back view Churchill walking into Danish Embassy, Pont Street. SV Interior Churchill and wife posing with Prime Minister Clement Attlee and Mrs Attlee. SV Messenger boys delivering congratulatory telegrams at Churchill s home. SV Man lifting case of champagne and carrying it to back door. SV Man delivering bunch of flowers. SV Men lifting birthday cake out of van. CU Cake. Men carrying it in. SV Towards and pan Queen Ingrid of Denmark.