George Harrison Mega Real Evolution, Songs, Album til 87 y. o
SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL (only 1): and Can you see his soul behind his until 2030 Evolution of what would happen to George Harrison if he had nt died in 2001, if he were alive today. If only. From real to imaginative timeline of the quiet Beatle, facial evolution with brushstrokes of biography with The Beatles, with Paul McCartney, John Lennon and Ringo Starr, to solo career, discography, documentary, interview and songs of the legendary guitarist, singer and composer. Fair Use video with cultural, didactic and aesthetic contribution, respectful with the artist and his music. Puedes ver el alma tras sus ojos, año a hasta 2030 Qué le hubiera pasado a George Harrison si él no hubiera muerto en 2001, si él estuviera vivo estos años Ojalá. Línea de tiempo de real a imaginativa del beatle tranquilo, evolución facial con pincelad